Saturday, September 18, 2010


I have long berated emotions for being inefficient, and for nearly that same amount of time I have wondered what real purpose they serve. They are a large part of why I do not really believe in macro-evolution. Emotions do not aid the survival of the fittest mentality, stereotypical or not. They are deceptive and impractical more often than not.

It was easy to come up with half-answers that were never satisfying, but were enough to pacify. Things like, "they are what make us human" or "to keep us from being fake" and other explanations were in no way false...but they did not seem to be solid defense.

Maybe what I have found will only pacify any other person, but it is the answer I have found satisfaction in. Emotions force us to need the people around us. They make life about more than just getting by on our own and totally destroy the lone ranger. People are not made to be alone and we feel it more than the most perfect empirical science. This life thing, whatever else it is, is dependent on other people. We can take on other people's pain in a way that is uniquely human, even if we do not know them.

Feeling is what binds us together. And it is pain and happiness...and both of those in strange and unexpected mixtures. We need people to help us heal. We need people we can trust to help us be who we were made to...It does not work any other way. There are no exceptions or loopholes. It is horrible and dangerous and painfully clumsy work because none of us know what we are doing. More than that, we wont know what we are doing until we have done it, probably wrong, at least once. All of us clueless people trying to make sense of what we have been given. But it is poetry, or art, or music...and we cannot stop to consider our audience or we will never finish. Because if we lose ourselves to the rules of beauty that other people make we will never wade through those tears or walk deep enough into unknown darkness to feel the weight of the worth of what we are making.

Quite simply, we are making ourselves a life.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

summer sky blue

Home smells like ponderosa
baked into tall grasses
with all the warmth
of a summer oven.

And it looks like wildflowers
--flax and lupine,
paintbrush and snap dragons--
scattered everywhere
with strangely majestic thistles in between.

Did you know
that thistles smell
milky and sweet and musty
all at the same time?

And home has so many sounds:
The rumbling of dirt roads
and dashing of deer and grasshoppers.
Crickets and wind and old things
that are too tired, or too loved, to wear out.

I cannot forget this giant theater sky
with its many, many moods
playing and yelling
and whispering so many secrets.

And it does not matter
how long I am away.
I will always have sap
folded into my skin,
baked into my hands.

I may have many more homes
but I will never really wash
this dust from my hair
or this sky from my eyes.

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