Wednesday, December 29, 2010

not the ides of march, but you're not exactly julius caesar...

It is not the Ides of March
And it is not Friday the thirteenth either.
It is not the full moon
Or the years lived in the shadow of broken mirrors.

But beware.

It is the ordinary days you need to be wary of,
To take care of.

Oh no, it's not the Ides of March
And there is no indication
That to life you must cling.
It is just an ordinary day.

But it will matter in the end.

We do not each get warnings
Nor do we all cross a prophet's path before our time.

It may not be the Ides of March--
No, to you they will be kind.
It will be another day
One to which you yourself are blind.

Be ready.

And do not give away your time

No, not the Ides of March
But the ordinary days.
See, they are restless and tired
And probably a bit bored.

Do not forget what the ordinary can become.

These words are so anxious to be out on the page. I do not know if they are ready yet, but here we are.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

If we believe these stories...

I was sitting in church the first time I followed that thought: "If we believe these stories..." And my black pen met my black book because I liked the sound of those words and I wanted to inspect their truth later. It has been a month or two or three since (not more than three though) and I still like them.

The sermon was on Psalm 105 and it asked us "why do we focus on the one thing that God has not done and ignore all that he has done?" Verse 14 talks about how God has moved kings for his small group of sojourners. It was good to be sure, but I think the most I got out of it was this phrase that would follow me..."if we believe these stories..."

I look at my Bible and I tell the world that I believe the words written in it. I promise to live by them and, perhaps, to die by them. But I forget.

Tonight is heavy. It doesn't have to be, but there are forces and people beyond my control making decisions, and they do not care that I am wrapped up in their story. They do not grasp the depth of their own significance, especially when one names them family...and that is ok. It is not good; but, quite simply, it is not the point. It is a symptom, not the problem itself. And so, tonight is heavy because I am waiting and hurting and trying to guess at the end. And because I am human. A woman living on a planet under a curse.

And I want to know what to do. I want to know how long this will last. I want to catalog all of my complaints and deliver them to heaven with a final request of answers in the same orderly fashion. Most of all, I want a promise that life wont always be this way, because, quite honestly, it has been just this for such a long time.

So I am sitting again, this time, weeks later, in my room. And just like that, I am holding that black book and looking at my Bible and hearing those words, "if we believe these stories..." Then what? At the time, the first time, I wrote: "If believe these stories...we should realize that we do not stand upon the shoulders of giants only, as the saying goes. But we stand and fall by the breath of God. A God of ancient goodness. We should have fallen a long time ago; but we forget our frailness and think ourselves invincible."

I wont get all of my answers delivered to me in bullet point form--that's hardly a way to live. But I get what I most want. It's truth. And it's a promise that life wont always be this. I forget what has been done and I get so afraid of something I know is not true. "There is a time for everything, for every activity under the sun." "Hope that is seen is not hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?"

If I believe these stories, it changes everything. There are hundreds of people in that book who have fought their way through living. It is not a plan in black and white with diagrams, but it takes care of the bigger issues. It makes itself useful to all people in all places at all times...and it answers my fear and my humanity. It gives me just enough.

Friday, December 17, 2010

tealish blue

Could you point me in the direction of Up?
No? What about Down?
North? South?
Anywhere solid where I may sit awhile...

Because I feel that I have lost them all.
Forces like magnetic poles and gravity have all been wiped clear.
My directions are empty
And my map is a paralyzing white.

I am sure that, next,
I will forget how to breathe.
I have been falling far too long.
Twisting. Dropping. Struggling.

I am always hurtling toward something
And I feel that you must know
Something I do not
Like how to stop.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

if soup had a single color

I make you worry and I know it,
at least.

What I mean to say is,
I love you.
I think.

I do not mean to cause such worry.
It is uncharacteristic of me,

And I do love you...
it's just
not enough.

But do not think that
it could ever be
your fault.

I'm just so unpracticed
and so pathetic
and weak.

I suppose that is why you worry,
even though
you shouldn't.

But you love me, so you will.
I just don't quite

I guess I need you
to keep loving
until I do.

Monday, December 6, 2010

vivid auburn

Judgment? Accountability?

I'm not sure anymore how to draw lines around those two words that can be agreed upon by those who matter most in my life. I do not know how to appease my conscience either. But mostly, I do not know how to help people around me.

I am no longer naive enough to believe that I can fix people and make them better. I have been there, and it is somewhere I hope to never be again when I am most honest. It costs too much for no lasting benefit to anyone involved. Yet, I am not ready to pack up and announce that it is every man for himself.

I will not do more than the person is willing to do for themselves...but we can do so much more with the help of those around us.

The last year especially has really tested where I stand when I have to put flesh on all of these thoughts and go about living in a less than idealistic world. Once having decided that it is still good, despite the abuses of people in the past, where do you go? Mainly, what does one do when the rules suddenly change? When people begin talking out of both sides of their mouths...asking you to help them be 'better' and then dismissing your every attempt and intervention as caustic judgment, which apparently is akin to betrayal on a most fundamental level...what then?

Do you listen to who they were when they first asked for accountability?

Do you listen to them when they elaborate on your close-mindedness and faulty judgments?

Do you get any points for trying?

I think I will fall back on my usual "do what you can...and then let go because you aren't responsible for what you can't do."

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