Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I'm in a bad mood today. More accurately this week.

When things get tough at work, I always feel trapped. I spend so much time working and yet it's the main source of my stress and self-doubt. Does my self-doubt come from or feed the doubt I receive from others? Which is the chicken and which is the egg?

Lately, when I look for a way out or a way through, I don't like what I see. And I wonder, Is this all there is? All there ever will be? Always trying to prove that I can do the job, solve the problem, and disagree without being less.

And that's I guess all I want to say today.

I am not less.

I am not less logical for my emotions.

I am not less committed for choosing another path.

I am not less intelligent for finding a different solution.

I am not less strong for preferring to spend my energy in other ways. 

I am not less. I am not less.

I am not less.

And neither are you.

You are not less for my capabilities, the times when I am right.

Neither of us are less for our disagreements.

We don't have to compete.

We are more for the conflicts that we work through.

We are more for the humility that community requires.

We are more when we admit our mistakes.

We are more.

We are enough.

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